Julie Keller

Dear Friends,
It is lovely to meet you!
The basics about me? I am a seeker, a pilgrim, a woman and a dreamer. A wife, mother, daughter, sister and a friend.
I've earned degrees from St. Olaf College and the Humphrey Institute at the University of Minnesota. My professional work has been in nonprofit and government settings, with heart and hope for helping others.
And one love is a nonprofit called The Mama Ada Foundation that I started with some friends. We do very cool stuff for students and farmers in Kenya.
Why This, What For?
In September 2020, I started this blog to share some thoughts about life. But after only one entry, my life was upended by a malignant tumor. I've since had a leg amputation.
Yup, wow.
This pretty tough experience was a baptism of fire, bringing me bunches of grit and hard won devotion to a wholehearted way of living.
So okay, I know that life holds dragons and joys, for everyone, every single one of us. It all gets rough and tough and hard sometimes. But joy comes for us too...never fear and know this to be true, my friends.
So Now...
If you're heartbroken or a little lost, looking for something vague or just a bit weary (all of us from time to time)...
...let's go on a journey together, not waiting for a perfect day. Let's say yes now, as good a time as any. Join me to explore how we can live with hope, made new again and again, rising up when we fall.
And let's discover how our tears can be a road map to dreams and desire...
...one holy, enchanted step at a time.
Cheers to us and onward let's go!
All Rights Reserved 2021 Julie Keller (writing)
All Rights Reserved 2021 Curt Paulsen (photos)