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  • jckeller97

And She Understands Me...

Yesterday I took a deep breath and went to my car, newly fitted with a left foot gas pedal. We needed groceries for our time in Kenosha, so this drive had to be done. I got in and gripped the steering wheel. Rounding the lake then heading downtown, more steady and faster, I began to smile...

...for we understand each other, this sweet little town of Kenosha and me.

We understand that waves knock us down, erode our very shore sometimes, with hard hit economies and bad viruses, and tumors and sadness and frightful statistics, to boot. But we know how to dress ourselves up too, with pretty scarves and twinkly earrings and hopeful storefronts and plans for job development centers and chair yoga classes.

We understand that life isn't always shiny, that trouble comes. But we also understand that love shines from within, in spunky ways like independent bookstores and persistence and goals to do planks. And scrappy town festivals and ice-skating rinks, with neon life-size Nutcrackers still standing watch, even knee deep in slush.

We have the pluck to put up a Christmas tree across from the red door Episcopal church...and in a family's living room too. And we know that sometimes it is just plain cheerful to leave spider webs from Halloween or Valentine's hearts on our front door...long after the holidays. But we also know that sometimes stuff gets left up and forgotten, because we are busy and learning to walk or figuring out who we are again, or maybe drifting for awhile.

We know the violence of a surgery or a protest that left us burnt up and scarred, with others trying to help or figure out who we are now...when we just have to do some things ourselves. Because some days we are embarrassed by our changes, imagining Paris or Dubai or most everyone else with two beautiful legs...and it is then we trust time to bring more sparkle to our streets, with a willing heart, lots of prayers and a good strategic plan.

Mostly...we understand having to pick up our pieces, to fit life back together. For it to make sense again. After an auto factory was shuttered or a leg was lost and other hard stuff...

...we deny bitterness and embrace hope as an answer rather than a question.

Yes, Kenosha whispered to me yesterday... my streets with your left leg, when you are scared to drive other places, Julie...

...I might have potholes but they slow things down, Kenosha assured...and for sure, my people have humility but belief in our tomorrow.

And don't forget, we have an angel watching over us, just like you...

...with a lake sharing its rhythm to steady our breath.

So yes, I smiled to drive her streets yesterday, knowing that I can do what I need to do, with a friend like her. For I understand this town of Kenosha and she understands me.

Now my wish is that you have such a town or place that understands you too.

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Krista Bremer
Krista Bremer

I love this so much. Once again your words hold the whole beautiful mess and mystery.

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