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That Jewel Sparkles Bright...October 15, 2021

Updated: May 10, 2023

I called my sister, not one second after hanging up the phone with my doctor. Stunned and cold, frozen in that awful moment, suspended in time, wanting to run with nowhere to go. Standing on my icy front stoop, I blurted out to her the news of my tumor.

I am sick, I told her.

You will learn about healing, she told me.

We tossed an object back and forth, returned to a child's game from long ago. In my hands was the black ragged rock that she turned over to become a shining twinkly jewel.

Two little girls gasped at the beauty.... are not sick, do you hear me, Julie? You will learn about healing now. Do you hear me?

We repeated our game many times for months, as I began to learn to turn something over or sideways...

...and it sparkled bright and sure.

So take that object, anything at all, turn it over and around, and see that glimmer...every single time.

No matter what, turn something over and around and that jewel sparkles bright.

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